How to Create a Segmentation Strategy in Klaviyo

Master Klaviyo segmentation: boost ROI with smart targeting, not guesswork.

Reevaluating Segmentation Myths

Far too many email marketing strategies are predicated on the buzzwords "Personalization" and "Hyper-segmentation." It's time to challenge these myths with a nuanced view of customer behaviors and preferences that evolve over time. Let’s delve into why conventional segmentation might not be as effective as we think in Klaviyo or any ESP.

The Challenge of Predicting Customer Behavior

The assumption that a customer's initial purchase defines their future behavior is a common pitfall. The story of John, who shifts from muscle gain to fat loss, illustrates that behavior is dynamic. Recognizing this can steer us away from segmentation strategies that fail to adapt to changing consumer goals.

Questioning Over-Segmentation

Are we overestimating our ability to forecast customer behavior? Over-segmentation leads to complexity and cost without guaranteed return. It's essential to evaluate whether the segmentation strategy truly aligns with resource allocation and if it genuinely leads to the brand’s profitable growth.

klaviyo audience segmentation

Looking Beyond Click Rates

While click rates can provide insights, they should not overshadow broader campaign objectives. A high click rate on a hyper-segmented list may feel gratifying, but it’s the total conversions and reach that truly dictate a campaign’s success. We explore how a broader targeting approach may actually yield a more substantial ROI.

Starting with Basic Engagement Tiers

A sensible segmentation approach is to use basic engagement tiers, considering the recency of activity. This involves categorizing audiences into 30, 60, 90, and 180-day engagement segments, taking into account site interactions and email engagement levels. This method aligns with efficient and targeted marketing practices.

The Caveat of Exceptions

No one-size-fits-all strategy exists. The dynamics of a product catalog, seasonal trends, and purchase behaviors must be considered when devising a segmentation strategy. There's a balance to be found between specificity and generalization to optimize both efficiency and ROI in marketing efforts.

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